We are more than happy to be received a call from Jason Rosam on his BBC Radio London – Early Breakfast Show on (04/02/2021) regarding how to make perfect crepe from home, sharing our pancake recipe and giving some tips. Because Our name is IL E DE CREPE and we have a passion about pancakes.

First of all, Yann (head of Crepe Chefs & Director) in our company would like to thank very much to Dear Mr. Jason Rosam known with huge passion for broadcasting on for having him on his radio show.

IL E DE CREPE`s is on BBC Radio London – Jason Rosam`s Early Breakfast Show

Our name is IL E DE CREPE and we specialise in making beautiful crepe creations, be that savoury or be that sweet. We use tried and tested methods when creating our pancakes and we also use the very best ingredients in our creations too. All to make sure that the lucky person who gets to sample them definitely enjoys a flavour explosion.

Unfortunately, on the phone we couldn`t go further than sharing the best pancake recipe you can easily make at home. If you like to learn how If you’d like to learn how to cook some great crepes, Italian Pancakes this is the right workshop in London for you!

Learn How To Make The Best Pancakes / Crepes At Home With The Best Crepe Chefs

If you’d like to learn how to cook some great crepes, Italian Pancakes we have the best pancake workshop for you! You can join our one the online workshops (on Zoom) learn our secrets from your home or you can visit our workshop kitchen.

From prep to service, you will be learning how to create delicious Italian Crepes. Discover the Italian pancake-making process from batter making to folding, and learn how to make your own amazing crepes.

With our workshops, you will learn how to make Italian style crêpes and perfect crepe batter and you will learn how to successfully cook and fold crepes. Crepes topped with your favourite Italian ingredients will be amazing you!

– how to prepare the batter – tricks to cook with a pan (not so easy!) – the fillings (sugar, jam, homemade chocolate, salted butter caramel and egg, ham, cheese and much more)

– and how to combine toppings

– you’ll be sent the recipes after class, so you can continue to recreate the magic at home.

We teach all of this during our fun, carefully structured classes & courses, while incorporating love, enthusiasm and a relaxed, fun atmosphere.

If you would like to learn how to make pancakes, or hire our catering service for your events, please check out our website, get in touch and dive into this magical world of IL E DE CREPE.


Get in touch and book your crepe workshop!


or go to the link below: https://www.iledecrepe.com/online-crepe-workshop

WEB: https://www.iledecrepe.com/

PHONE: +447960033188

EMAIL: hello@iledecrepe.com

Jason Rosam on his BBC Radio London – Early Breakfast Show on (04/02/2021) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p093zwq6





Crepe workshop, pancake workshop, online cooking workshop, Airbnb workshop, cooking classes, cookery school, cooking classes London groupon, BBC Cooking, BBC recipe, London workshop, French food workshop, Italian food workshop, adult food workshop, London workshop.

#LocalBBCRadio, @BBCRadioLondon, #BBC #BBCMorningshow #JasonRosam

#Crepe #pancake #workshop #pancakeday2021 #crepe #pancake #workshop

#cookingworkshop #cookingclass #onlineworkshop #cookingworkshop #recipe

We recommend you to listed Jason Rosam – Early Breakfast Show

on his BBC Radio London. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01nmqg2

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