IL E DE CREPE Logo London 2024


IL E DE CREPE is an organisation that has one apparent goal - to provide you with the best pancakes at any event you’re organising. We have a passion for pancakes which can not be beaten.
As a company, we specialise in selling sweet and savoury pancakes for people to enjoy, blending all of our expertise with a flair for customer satisfaction. It was easy at first - we worked to make sure that people had access to good quality pancakes without having to worry about whether or not they could afford to do so or could trust the people selling them - our natural a bility to connect with people meant we had no issues in the latter.
We began life as a stall. Our business operated under three simple principles to make sure that customers have the best experience possible. We wanted to make sure that we use the best quality ingredients, charge a fair price to customers, and make sure that above all else, the pancakes that we make taste incredible. But over time, we realised that there was a brand new way to combine our expertise and come up with something new. Just like you can fuse different ingredients to make a pancake, we realised that we could merge selling food with other forms of entertainment to create the whole package.
That’s how we hit our stride. DJ’s, musicians, live performers - these are just a few of the services that we can provide. We combine the exciting process that goes into making a pancake with some of the different forms of entertainment that peopleenjoy the most. Our team of well-trained chefs can create pancakes to suit any need or requirement - if you’ve got a demand for vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free treats, we can help you.
What sets us apart from other entertainment companies is our level of flexibility which we bring to every event that we undertake. If you’re looking for just food, that’s completely fine, or we can tailor our entertainment packages to suit you. It’s all down to what you feel is vital for your event. We make sure that we arrive ready to go, with all of the equipment provided to start making pancakes for you. You can order a selection of sweet and savoury pancakes from the menu, or customers can create their own with access to unlimited toppings from our supplies.
We strive to make sure that you can have the experience that you desire as smoothly as possible. We try and make sure that all customers have a flexible experience too because it can be essential to have a mixture of activities and services. Our guiding principle is to give you an experience that you won’t forget in a hurry - so feel free to make requests, no matter how strange they may seem. It is all part of our experience to try and give you the best of the best because we know that you deserve it, and you should feel confident in planning the event of your dreams.
Being true professionals, we are confident that you will definitely enjoy our entertaining pancake catering service. With no limits to what we can do, your next spectacular event is a click away.

If you are organising whether a private party, wedding, office party, business lunch or birthday party, and would like to experience our Italian pancake catering service, IL E DE CREPE can help, please do get in touch and transform your event into a fabulous experience.